The coast guard keeps an eye on the sea

Coast guard


  • 28.05.14
    Agreement of cooperation Maritime Security Centre Belgium

    The 21st of May marks an important date for the Maritime Security Centre Belgium. Admiral Michel Hofman (Belgian Navy), Commissioner Olivier Libois (General Direction Administrative Police) and Noël Colpin (Administrator - general Customs and Excise) signed an agreement in which a corporate and common vision for the (near) future is established.

    The Maritime Security Centre Belgium has its headquarters in the naval base in Zeebrugge and unifies Customs, Waterway and River police and Defense. Since 2008 all three of them have cooperated closely to maintain law and order at sea. In 2011 the time had come to make further advancements and a working group was established whose goal was to make the centre fully operational and to increase efficiency. 

    After two years of hard work and many a positive result, this agreement is the jewel in the crown of cooperation. It contains the goals and responsiblities of each partner and constitutes an important contribution to the safety off our coast.

  • 28.05.14

    From May 29th until June 1st Ostend at Anchor is back in town. This year's theme is the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Ostend.Next to the 150 participating vessels, the exhibitions and music performances, you can also meet a number of our coast guard partners:the agency for Maritime Services and Coast (MDK) and its four components- Fleet, Shipping Assistance Division, Pilotage and Coastal Division - the Maritime and River Police, FPS Public Health, the Navy and the Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models (MUMM).

    Are you between the ages of 10 and 16 and would you like to experience what it means to be a lifesaver at sea? Our coast guard partner Fleet offers you the opportunity to make a trip on board of a lifeboat during the Ostend at Anchor weekend. You have to register beforehand.

  • 22.05.14
    Lifeboat Fleet

    Are you between the ages of 10 and 16 and would you like to experience what it means to be a lifesaver at sea? Our coast guard partner Fleet offers you the opportunity to make a trip on board of a lifeboat during the Ostend at Anchor weekend. You have to register beforehand.

  • 14.05.14
    Expert meeting NACGF 2014

    From March 31st until April 4th 2014 the North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum (NACGF) took place in Canada. Delegates of all member states have participated in various specialized working groups.
    The NACGF was founded in 2007 and is a non– binding, voluntary forum between the coast guard organisations of 20 countries. The main goal is to promote and facilitate cooperation and to exchange information on best practices and experiences.The Coast Guard Secretariat is the national point of contact for all

    matters regarding the NACGF. Each year one of the member states organizes an 'expert meeting' in the spring. In the fall there is always a meeting of all heads of delegation.

    For Belgium, the nautical head of the Maritime Rescue and Coordination Centre (MRCC - Shipping Assistance Division) took part in the expert meeting, together

    with several federal coast guard partners of FPS Public Health, the Waterway and River Police, the ministry of Defence and Customs. They focused on topics such as environmental response, drug traficking, Search and Rescue (SAR) and illegal migration.

    In 2015 the Dutch Coast Guard will host the North ATlantic Coast Guard Forum.

  • 14.05.14

    Brussels is the place to be on Sunday May 18th. The oceanographic research vessel Belgica celebrates its thirtieth anniversary. You can board the ship and get to know the different marine researchers. Our coast guard partners Continental Shelf Service (FPS Economy), the ministry of Defence and the Mumm ( Management Unit for the North Sea Mathematical Models  - part of the Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences) will be present.

    You can also visit the Belgian Navy Vessel Stern, which is deployed in case of oil pollution, diving operations, mine sweeping and training.

    Definitely worth a visit! Everyone welcome from 10am to 5pm on the Heembeekkaai.

  • 09.05.14

    Interested in a career on the water?
    Come to the open door at the maritime institute Cenflumarin in Zwijndrecht on May 11th!


    More on maritime training and schooling:

  • 05.05.14

    Interested in a maritime career? Come to the Antwerp Maritime Academy on Wednesday 7 May from 2pm till 6pm and learn everything about training courses, internships and conditions to register.

  • 29.04.14

    Our coast guard partner FPS Finances - Customs and Excise is recruiting bachelors and customs officers. Applications before 7th May.

    More information on the selor website.

  • 29.04.14
    Flemish Hydrography

    The team Flemish Hydrography of our coast guard partner Coastal Division has developed a specific data platform for hydrological, meteorological and bathymetric information. For more information on log-in and prices, see the website of coastal division.

  • 23.04.14
    Safe Shipping Days

    In Koksijde the governor of West-Flanders province gave the kick-off for the second edition of the Safe Shipping Days. This year the focus is on beach clubs and their watersports activities. A whole range of watersports are becoming increasingly popular such as windsurfing, kitesurfing, Stand Up Paddling…

    This means a lot of activity in a relatively small space, which can cause problems. Some activities are done at high velocity or require a certain amount of skill and technicality. The Safe Shipping Days are aimed at keeping it safe for everyone involved.