The coast guard keeps an eye on the sea

Coast guard


  • 04.02.25

    During the ECGFF - EFCA Workshop under the Italian presidency of the ECGFF for 2024/2025, titled "Advanced technologies and AI for the sea: innovations in fisheries control activity," in Palermo, Geert Devogel (Fisheries Department), Yves Maekelberg (MDK), and Eefje Deweer (Coast Guard Secretariat) were present for the Belgian Coast Guard. 

  • 31.07.24
    foto van Mathieu Coussens

    Policy Division | Departement of Mobility and public works

  • 17.07.24
    image of a police boat with passengers

    On 16 July, Federal Coast Guard Secretary Eefje Deweer made a special outing by sailing with the patrol vessel SPN01

  • 09.07.24
    Image of the current Buster

    On 4 July, the Marine Environment Service of the FPS Public Health demonstrated its new oil control system 'NOFI Current Buster 4', a fast and maneuverable system that can be operated by a single vessel. This pollution control tool was purchased with funds from the Environment Fund.

  • 02.07.24
    Emergency services and press gather around the buried child in the dunes.

    On 2 July 2024, the annual exercise for the appointment arrangement drowning persons took place at Bredene.

  • 30.05.24

    Great news ! MUMM’s monitoring programme for SOx and NOx emissions of ships at sea, part of our aerial surveillance, is a finalist for the hashtagGreeningAwardInitiative of the European Maritime Safety Agency. Award Initiative, jointly organised with Frontex and the European Fisheries Control Agency, celebrates the sustainability actions of authorities performing coast guard functions in the EU.

  • 30.05.24

    From 14 to 15 May 2024, the 3rd ECGFF workshop took place in Cascais. This workshop was organised by Portugal, which chairs this forum. The workshop focused on modern border control, through new technologies for border surveillance, taking into account legal challenges and fundamental limitations to the use of modern technology. 

  • 17.05.24

    On May 13th, 2024, the official kick-off of a temporary Belgian-French collaboration on the use of drones on the North Sea coast was given in Dunkirk, France. For four months, from May 13 to September 13, 2024, the partners of the Belgian Coast Guard will be able to use two special drones to support their various tasks at sea. 

  • 04.04.24

    From 19 to 21 March 2024, the 2nd ECGFF workshop took place in Lisbon. This workshop was organised by Portugal which assumes the presidency within this forum. The workshop aimed to Exploring Cutting-Edge Tools and Technologies to Enhance Coast Guard Operations: A Workshop on Maritime Situational Awareness'.

  • 14.03.24

    The Belgian Coastguard partners were invited by Defence to an info briefing on the INTEGRATOR at Camp Lombardsijde on 8 March 2024.