The coast guard keeps an eye on the sea

Coast guard


  • 27.03.14

    From March 31st to April 3rd several coast guard partners take part in the'expert meeting' of the North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum (NAGCF) in Sydney, Canada. The NACGF was founded in 2007 and is a non– binding, voluntary forum between the coast guard organisations of 20 countries. The main goal is to promote and facilitate cooperation and to exchange information on best practices and experiences.

    The NACGF counts seven different working groups focusing on topics such as environmental response, fishery, drug traficking, Search and Rescue (SAR), etc. They meet yearly in the spring during the'expert meeting', followed by a meeting of the heads of delegation of all participating countries in the fall.

    The director-general of Belgium's government crisis centre, in his function as Coast Guard Chairman, is the head of delegation, accompanied by the Coast Guard Secretary and a representative of the ministry of Defence. Delegates of both regional and federal coast guard partners participate in the working groups. The Coast Guard Secretariat is the national point of contact for all matters regarding the NACGF. 

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  • 18.03.14

    Saturday 22 March from 10am to 5pm the Antwerp Maritime Academy opens its doors. Find out all about maritime training and schooling and meet our coast guard partner the agency for maritime services and coast, more in particular Pilotage, who can tell you all about an interesting career on te water.

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  • 17.03.14

    Friday 14th of March the first meeting of the consultation body of 2014 took place in Bruges. Alterations and adaptations to the Oil Intervention Plan (OIP) were discussed. The OIP describes the procedures for combating oil pollution at sea, so that action can be swiftly undertaken and so that damage to the marine environment and the coast is kept as limited as possible. Attention was given to the safety of water sports enthusiast while undertaking the latest water sports activities.
    The consultation body closely follows the proceedings of the working group Places of Refuge. This is an initiative by the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) to streamline the legislation and operational guidelines with regard to places of refuge at sea for the whole of Europe.
    The coast guard partners furthermore took a closer look at the possibilities to cooperate in the field of schooling and training for On Scene Coordinators. To conclude, the preparations for a swift and efficient follow-up of environmental and shipping traffic violations at sea were discussed.



  • 05.03.14
    Observation aircraft MUMM

    On Saturday 8 March 2014 the airports of Antwerp, Kortrijk-Wevelgem and Ostend-Bruges, Brussels National Airport, the Flemish air clubs, the aviation industry, the Ministry of Defence and the VDAB will open their doors to you. In cooperation with the Flemish government, they organise the first Airport Day. Everybody can see behind the scenes of aviation.

    The observation aircraft of the MUMM will be at the airport of Ostend-Bruges. Come and check it out on March 8th!

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  • 04.03.14

    The VLIZ Young Marine Scientists’ Day has become an established event for all marine and coastal scientists in Flanders/Belgium and its neighbouring regions. This event has evolved since 2000 into an annual interdisciplinary and informative forum. More than 300 – mostly young – marine and coastal experts from all disciplines come to this event to share knowledge from lectures, posters, demonstrations and interactive sessions. Not to be missed on Friday 7 March 2014!


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  • 28.02.14

    The European Coast Guard Functions Forum was founded in 2009. It is a non-binding forum, between the coast guard organisations or different European member states.  The main goal of this forum is to make coast guard related activities more coherent within the different member states, to stimulate mutual cooperation, to set up networks and to exchange information on best practices and experiences.
    Once a year there is an plenary meeting and the chairmanship rotates between the different countries. In 2014 the president is Italy. Up until now, the federal police has represented Belgium on this forum and provides feedback for the other coast guard partners.
    There is a website of the forum with more information on the various activities. A possible project for the future could be the establishment of a network of coast guard training centres.
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  • 26.02.14

    The following days, the ministry of Defence organizes several job days (technical staff, Air Force, Artillery). More information, click here.

    Vloot also has several vacancies, see here and for a position as pilot, see here.

  • 25.02.14

    Wednesday 20 February 2014 the policy-making body of the Coast Guard assembled in Brussels. It consists of the heads of division or general directors of all coast guard partners. They meet several times a year to coordinate the cooperation between the different parties and to issue advice for the ministers and the government.

    On the meeting of February 20th, a presentation was given on the possibilities of Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) as fuel for vessels. The recent audits by the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) and the European Maritime Safety Agency (EMSA) were reviewed, and some thought was given to a better supervision of environmental and shipping infringements. Finally, a project for a better coordination and more information exchange between the different coast guard organisations within Europe was discussed.

  • 19.02.14
    Table top exercises drowning persons

    On 11, 17 and 18 February 3 table top exercises were organized to test the procedure for saving drowning persons under the coordination of the governor of West-Flanders Province. A table top exercise is an exercise in which an emergency situation is 'imitated'. The participants have to put on paper how they would react in real life. This means that no actual emergency services or means are deployed.

  • 12.02.14

    Wednesday 26 February 2014 the Coordination Point Sustainable Coastal Managment organizes the Coastal Forum. On the agenda: the increase in ageing population, the sustainability and innovativeness of coastal enterprises. 

    Casino Koksijde
    From 18h00