From March 31st to April 3rd several coast guard partners take part in the'expert meeting' of the North Atlantic Coast Guard Forum (NAGCF) in Sydney, Canada. The NACGF was founded in 2007 and is a non– binding, voluntary forum between the coast guard organisations of 20 countries. The main goal is to promote and facilitate cooperation and to exchange information on best practices and experiences.
The NACGF counts seven different working groups focusing on topics such as environmental response, fishery, drug traficking, Search and Rescue (SAR), etc. They meet yearly in the spring during the'expert meeting', followed by a meeting of the heads of delegation of all participating countries in the fall.
The director-general of Belgium's government crisis centre, in his function as Coast Guard Chairman, is the head of delegation, accompanied by the Coast Guard Secretary and a representative of the ministry of Defence. Delegates of both regional and federal coast guard partners participate in the working groups. The Coast Guard Secretariat is the national point of contact for all matters regarding the NACGF.
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