Gert Verreet, staff member with the Strategy, International Policy and Animal Welfare Division:
“To protect the sea as much as possible, we work together with our neighbouring countries as well as with countries all around the world. After all, the consequences of contamination are not limited solely to Belgium. To prevent contamination and to establish protected areas, treaties and agreements have to be concluded. The Strategy, International Policy and Animal Welfare Division closely follows developments, considers the consequences for Flanders and signals whether adaptations to regulation are necessary.”

The Strategy, International Policy and Animal Welfare Division, belonging to the Environment and Spatial Development Department of the Flemish Authorities, attends international meetings regarding environment – related issues both on European and multilateral level. The division is the point of contact for environmental cooperation with different regions and countries. It keeps up to date with developments in environmental issues and assigns experts to follow the cases, e.g. the agreements concerning the reduction of shipping emissions.
Another of its tasks is converting international environmental directives into Flemish legislation. Additionally, The Strategy, International Policy and Animal Welfare Division plays an active role in the Flemish partnership “Water for Development”. Flanders commits to help reduce by half the number of people without access to clean water.