Spraying dispersants is often done out of an airplane, but it can also be done from a vessel, as was the case during this exercise. For this POLEX exercise a Vikospray dispersant-spraying system was deployed. This system, which belongs to Belgium's national combating means, atomizes detergents above the oil slick by means of spraying-arms installed on vessels of the ministry of Defence, in this case BNS Stern. The testing of the Vikospray-system was successful.
Different coast guard partners worked toghether during this exercise: the ministry of Defence, Mumm (Management Unit of the North Sea Mathematical Models), FPS Public Health (DG Environment), Civil Protection, the MRCC (Maritime Rescue- and Coordination Centre) and the MIK (Maritime Security Centre Belgium). Windmill operator C-Power also took part. The exercise showed some points for improvement but overall good results were booked regarding cooperation and communication.
Pictures (with thanks to Jean-Pierre Vogt of MUMM and Jan Tavernier of DG Environment: