The coast guard keeps an eye on the sea

Coast guard


  • 04.04.13

    In 2014 the Coordination point for Sustainable Coastal Management (Coördinatiepunt Duurzaam Kustbeheer) will organize the fifth edition of the 'Awards Sustainable Coastal Project'.

  • 13.03.13
    Aerial survey

    In 2013, in total ca. 240 flight hours have been performed ‘on task’ above Belgian and international marine waters, in the framework of the Belgian North Sea aerial survey programme. Of these ‘on task’ flight hours, ca. 22 hours were conducted for international missions in the framework of the Bonn Agreement and ca. 18 hours for scientific observation flights. As for previous years however, most flights, i.e. 200 flight hours, were national surveillance flights in the framework of the Belgian Coast Guard structure; 160 hours thereof were specifically dedicated to pollution control flights above the sea and along the Belgian coast.

    More information and details on the website of coast guard partner MUMM.


  • 05.02.13
    Surveillance aircraft MUMM

    Secretary of State for Science Policy, Mr Courard, presented the aircraft in the Airport of Ostend. The instruments in the plane have been completely renewed for an even better control of the North Sea from the air. The new radar has been financed by the National Lottery.

  • 01.02.13

    The 25th edition of the Belgian Boat Show takes place from Saturday, February 2nd until Monday, February 4th and Friday, February 8th until Sunday, February 10th in Flanders Expo Ghent.

  • 31.01.13

    Source: Previs/Zeevissersfonds 

    The social partners and the steering group Previs/Zeevissersfonds (Fund for fishermen) have renewed the first edition of the ‘guidebook for fatal incidents at sea’. These guidelines contain the steps to be taken by all concerned when an incident at sea occurs.  The guidelines can used in case of fatal incidents and serious work injuries, whether or not resulting in physical harm, both for sea fishery and recreational craft. 

  • 14.11.12

    In September this year The Flemish Institute for the Sea (VLIZ) en Vloot (Fleet) presented a brand new oceanographic research vessel, Simon Stevin.
    It can be used by scientists in the Belgian and adjacent coastal waters as well as in the Scheldt estuary.

  • 09.11.12

    Do you want to know more about a career on the water and what training you have to follow?

  • 14.09.12
    Operation Opera

    Please see French or Dutch translation.

  • 11.09.12

    Saturday September 22nd the European project Flood Aware invites you to come to the Zeeheldenplein in Ostend. You can learn everything you want to know about floods, which measures are taken to prevent them and the things you yourself can do.

  • 29.08.12
    Opendoor base Koksijde 2012

    Wednesday 29th August 2012, an opendoor is organized on Koksijde military base, which focuses on the emergency services. The goal is to let the public have a view 'behind the scenes' of municipal, provincial and national emergency services.